Random Journey Through Life

A Woman's Journey of A Lifetime!

TV To Rot Your Ideals, Part 1: The Perfect Family, Brady Bunch

We all want that perfect family like The Brady Bunch, right? Pleasant dad, sweet mom, three boys, three girls (the youngest of course has curls), a dog, and a housekeeper so that sweet non working mom can lay around all day. What else could be more perfect? These are unattainable ideals even by TV standards. Even if we forget about the behind the scenes issues, The Brady Bunch is still not as perfect as you remember.

First off, Mike Brady is a widower meaning that a wife and mother of three had to die for The Brady Bunch to form. Not exactly happy. Yet none of the boys ever talk about their dead mother and even call Carol 'Mom". This seems to make the statement that wives and mothers are replaceable. Your mother died? Let's go get a new one.

Carol Brady is divorced. Out there some where is a dead beat dad named Mr. Martin (as this is her last name in the beginning but, her maiden name is Tyler). No one talks about him either and I never saw Carol opening child support papers. The first products of an absent father on television, not exactly perfect.

Then there is no wonder that the Brady girls have some disorders. Marica has signs of OCD, Jan has major jealously issues and extremely low self-esteem, and Cindy had a lisp and some developmental delays. It is not their fault that they have these issues but, why did their parents not put them in therapy? Jan really needed it for all of the problems she had displayed.

As you can see they were not a perfect family. They just pushed the issues under the rug and never brought them up again. Real life is not like this. You could have a happy family if you forget where you came from and ignored the elephants in the room. Or you could just hire that sunny housekeeper for your lazy wife. =)

Boba With A Side Of Mall

Today, I went to the Boba House and the mall with my sister, Vicky, and my cousin, Jessica.

A Boba are chewy tapioca beads that taste and feel like sweet almost tasteless gummies. You can add Boba to any drink but, at the Boba House they have Slush, Tea (also called Bubble Tea), and Coffee. I ordered a Honeydew Slush and a pack of Chocolate Hello Pandas (kind of like Koala Snacks which for those younger than me are plain cookie bites with either chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla in it) and Vicky got a Cherry Slush. Very Yummy!

Then we headed to the mall. I have not been in a packed weekend mall for a very long time. It is loud and super busy. I am broke at the moment but, I bought a cheap yet nice lipstick. I had to put back the Yellow Submarine shirt I eyed with the hope to come back when I have the money to get it.

I am not a mall rat by any means. I like my clothes lightly used and very cheap at the thrift store. There is no feeling better than finding a brand new brand name garment for five or less dollars. I do go to the mall though every blue moon and if the price is right then I buy. I go to Burlington Coat Factory and I look about for discount clearance items. The best deal I ever got was at Hot Topic on a Little Mermaid white shirt with a big red stain down the side discounted from $20 to $5. One cycle in my washer and that stain was gone, band new shirt for $15 less. I found out today that the Dillard's at The University Mall is a discount store. I might pop by there when I get a job and some green.

New Emily

It has been a while since my last post and much has changed. I lost my relationship and my apartment. I now live in a shared apartment with a roommate who was a complete stranger a few months ago. It started with a car accident that happened on March 23rd. This left me with a herniated disk and a mess of a life. I am putting one foot in front of the other to climb out of this hole I have been put into.

It is not all bad, I could have ended up back at my parent's house out of other options. I have an interview at a well known children's early education center (I'll call it Kids' Place) on Wednesday. Kids' Place is a dream job and I really hope I get it. If I do then I should be on my way up. I find it funny that a simple job could change my whole life, considering I am not a material person.
I should stay afloat even if it falls through but, it is the best job interview I have had yet and to get a job I would love in a down economy would be a dream.

I got so lonely tonight that I went to a sit down restaurant by myself. I noticed that the waiter paid more attention to me than when I went with someone else. Pity maybe? There was a time I cared very much what others thought about me but, that has changed. I don't want to seem mean or rude but, I don't care about the rest. So, I ate my burger, dropped my tip, and went on my way in peace.

I thought maybe it is time to start up my blog again. I noticed I had more of a grip of what was out in the world than if I sit here alone playing Sims and sending out my applications to jobs. So, here is the first post of 2010 and to many more.

About Me

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I am Emily Rose.I write my blog to show my journey in this life. Enjoy my random stories of life.
