Random Journey Through Life

A Woman's Journey of A Lifetime!

New Emily

It has been a while since my last post and much has changed. I lost my relationship and my apartment. I now live in a shared apartment with a roommate who was a complete stranger a few months ago. It started with a car accident that happened on March 23rd. This left me with a herniated disk and a mess of a life. I am putting one foot in front of the other to climb out of this hole I have been put into.

It is not all bad, I could have ended up back at my parent's house out of other options. I have an interview at a well known children's early education center (I'll call it Kids' Place) on Wednesday. Kids' Place is a dream job and I really hope I get it. If I do then I should be on my way up. I find it funny that a simple job could change my whole life, considering I am not a material person.
I should stay afloat even if it falls through but, it is the best job interview I have had yet and to get a job I would love in a down economy would be a dream.

I got so lonely tonight that I went to a sit down restaurant by myself. I noticed that the waiter paid more attention to me than when I went with someone else. Pity maybe? There was a time I cared very much what others thought about me but, that has changed. I don't want to seem mean or rude but, I don't care about the rest. So, I ate my burger, dropped my tip, and went on my way in peace.

I thought maybe it is time to start up my blog again. I noticed I had more of a grip of what was out in the world than if I sit here alone playing Sims and sending out my applications to jobs. So, here is the first post of 2010 and to many more.


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I am Emily Rose.I write my blog to show my journey in this life. Enjoy my random stories of life.
