Random Journey Through Life

A Woman's Journey of A Lifetime!

Happiness is Looking At Your Own Grass

Remember the old saying 'The grass is greener on the other side."? Well, maybe it is but, why look?

I have grown up in my life wanting summer when it was winter and winter when it was summer. I had something and then I wanted something better. Now, at 22 soon to be 23 I know that the grass can be greener but, it could also be browner, too.

Last year. my boyfriend and I decided to break-up. We had only loved each other and we thought we wanted better and that things could not get worse than this. We divided the furniture, packed up our stuff, and went back to living with our parents. We dated new and what we hoped were more exciting people.

In the end living like minors in our parents' houses was not appealing. Worse, the people we were dating were either more controlling, less exciting, or dependent on illegal grasses. We had found nice big patches of brown grass!

So, in the end we made up when we ran into each other while getting the last of our things from the apartment. We knew we had green enough grass right where we stood. Now, even though the bills are piling up and we are trying to keep our heads above water, I know that this is where I am suppose to be. If better grass comes I will welcome it yet, I am happy where I am.


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I am Emily Rose.I write my blog to show my journey in this life. Enjoy my random stories of life.
